Directorate of Steam Boilers

Precautions to be taken while inspecting the Boiler

To avoid the accident while inspecting the boiler/boiler parts, all officers are hereby informed that, one officer while carrying out inspection of boiler at Gharda Chemicals fell into the boiler and was injured. All officers after their appointments are given guidelines about precautions to be taken while inspecting the boiler. All officers should take following precautions for their safety.

  • Helmet is very much essential while entering the factory premises, without helmet do not enter in factory. If own helmet is not available then ask for helmet with management for time being.
  • Before climbing the boiler (Oil fired boiler) for boiler inspection be sure that, oil is not spilled around the boiler.
  • Above fact will not come to notice if sufficient light is not there. So carry the inspection only when sufficient light is available.
  • There is a scaffolding provided for inspection of large boilers for climbing on boiler. First confirm the strength & rigidity of scaffolding. Generally the ply of scaffolding should be 8 to 9’, by which boiler at every level can inspected thoroughly,
  • It is compulsory to the boiler owners to provide sufficient security under The Boilers Act, 1923 - Section 14(1) FOR INSPECTION OF BOILER. Inspector can refuse the boiler inspection under Section 14(2), if he feels that scaffolding or staircase is not strong enough for climbing on boiler and submit report to the Director.
  • There is a chance of getting injury to knee on hitting Drum internals while getting down in Steam Drum. Therefore first carefully understand about welded parts of drum & then enter in drum for inspection. Take proper care of eyes & head.
  • While getting down in Steam drum/water drum first open the manhole and see the internal portion of drum. There is possibility of dogs, snakes or honeybees inside the lower part of Lancashire boiler or an external furnace of boiler.
  • Ensure that blow down of all boilers in battery are not connected together. Inspector can refuse the inspection under Section 14(2) and report to the Director immediately.
  • Confirm that fuse of feed water pump is removed. Be sure that boiler is isolated from battery of boilers only then carry out inspection otherwise Inspector can refuse the inspection of boiler under Section 14(2) and submit report to Director accordingly.
  • While entering in the boiler for inspection confirm whether burner fuse is removed or not, in small or big oil fired boiler & then carry out inspection.
  • In petroleum industries C.O. (Carbon Monoxide) is used as fuel in boiler. While carrying inspection of such boilers confirm that C.O. gas is not in the boiler & verify that C.O. gas valve is completely closed. Carbon Monoxide gas is very dangerous as it is odorless.
  • At the time of hydraulic test of boiler take 1¼ times certified pressure. Due to high pressure of water, see the pressure on pressure gauge in control room while carrying hydraulic test in power boiler. If satisfied reduce the pressure than certified & then enter in boiler. Due to high pressure do not carry out hammer test. Because of high pressure there is a possibility of jet being thrown out.
  • While carrying steam test of solar boiler do not pass between mirror and collector, due to the high temperature. Ensure that prohibitory arrangement is made in such cases. Use ear mask or plug while carrying steam test. Due to heavy sound there is a possibility of becoming deaf for ever.
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